Helping Each Other can Make World Better

Introduction :
Welcome to The ZNVR Students 1990 Batch Memorial and Charitable Trust, where the spirit of camaraderie meets a commitment to philanthropy. Established by the esteemed graduating class of ZNVR High School in 1990, our trust is dedicated to making a meaningful difference in the lives of the less fortunate. Explore our initiatives and join us in creating a world of compassion and opportunity.

At the heart of our trust is a profound sense of community and a shared commitment to social responsibility. Learn more about the inspiring journey of the ZNVR High School Class of 1990 and the vision that propels us forward.


Our Vission

To build a compassionate and equitable society where every individual, regardless of their socio-economic background, has the opportunity to lead a dignified and fulfilling life. We envision a world transformed by acts of kindness and generosity, inspired by the enduring spirit of the ZNVR High School Class of 1990.

Our Mission

The ZNVR Students 1990 Batch Memorial and Charitable Trust is dedicated to uplifting the underprivileged and fostering positive change in our communities. Committed to the values instilled during our formative years, we aim to provide sustainable solutions for those in need. Through educational initiatives, healthcare support, and community development projects, we strive to create a lasting impact and honor the legacy of the ZNVR High School Class of 1990.

Our activities

How you can contribute

Here are some ways you can contribute

Financial Contributions

Your generous donations will go directly towards improving infrastructure, upgrading technology, and supporting scholarship programs.

Sponsoring Studies

You can sponsor the higher studies of students who are hapless and need financial help.

Mentorship Programs

Share your valuable experiences and insights with current students through mentorship programs, helping them navigate their academic and professional journeys.

Networking and Outreach

Assist in connecting the Trust with potential donors, sponsors, and partners who may share our vision and values.

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